Who can benefit from the therapy?
Auditory Brain Stimulation can have a positive effect on a wide a range of complaints. Various groups of individuals have recorded excellent results through filtered music and/or maternal voice and have all made tremendous progress. The possibilities are almost endless. Before the start of treatment, we always discuss with our clients the possibilities and their own expectations without losing sight of reality.
Target group 1
Developmental delay: linguistic, motor, psychological
Premature birth
Academic/learning difficulties: reading and spelling problems, dyslexia, dyscalculia, concentration, language and speech
Maladaptive behavioral patterns: emotional withdrawal, anxiety, lack of self-awareness, agitation, hyperactivity (ADHD), attention deficit syndrome (ADD), aggression, low tolerance to frustration, lack of motivation, hypersensitivity
Vestibular disorders: balance, coordination, body image, gross and fine motor skills, posture
Integration difficulties: adoption, divorce, trauma
Various syndromes: Down, West, Prader-Willi, Angelmann, ...
Brain damage at birth, accident, fall, ...
Foreign language integration
Autism spectrum disorders and Asperger’s disease
Target group 2
Auditory perception and communication problems
Psychosomatic problems
Sleep disorder and/or relaxation problems
Back pain
Balance disorders: e.g., Ménière's disease
Exhaustion / burn-out (energy)
Rehabilitation: sudden (temporary) hearing loss, tinnitus, stroke, accident
Poor memory
Poor concentration and attention​​
Voice problems and vocal improvement: e.g., intonation and expression
Poor or no self-esteem
Trauma processing
Eating disorders (anorexia or bulemia)
Neurodegenerative diseases
Autism spectrum disorders, Asperger's disease
Post cancer treatment
Learning a new language
Target groep 3
Older adults
Lack of energy - revitalization
Optimization and stabilization of residual hearing
Improvement of balance
Improvement of memory (from dementia) and higher mental processes